Badrinath is one of the Chota char Dham pilgrimage spots and it is also one of the major char Dham pilgrimage destination. Located in Uttarakhand at a height of 3415 metres, the temple opens for pilgrims in summer and closes just after Diwali. Here is a month-wise breakup of weather conditions in Badrinath to help you plan your Badrinath Dham Yatra.
Temperature: Minimum -7 deg. C, maximum 4 deg. C.
Rainfall: 5 days, 11.39 mm
Snow: 7.3 cms, average 2 days
Wind: Average wind speed is 10.3 mph
Humidity levels: 31%
UV Index: 1
Minimum -6 deg. C, maximum 6 deg. C
Rainfall: 18.6mm
Snow: 9 cms, average 2 days
Average wind speed is 11.4 mph
Humidity levels: 38%
UV Index: 2
Minimum -3 deg. C, maximum 9 deg. C.
Rainfall: 20.22mm
Snow: 8.3 cms, average 5 days
Average wind speed is 8.9 mph
Humidity levels: 38%
UV Index: 3
Minimum 0 deg. C, maximum 14 deg. C.
Rainfall: 8.99mm
Snow: 0.4 cms, average 1 day
Average wind speed is 8.9 mph
Humidity levels: 32%
UV Index: 3
Minimum 3 deg. C, maximum 17 deg. C.
Rain: 24.12mm, 20 days
Average wind speed is 7.4 mph
Humidity levels: 42%
UV Index: 4
Minimum 4 deg. C, maximum 20 deg. C.
Rain: 39.09mm, 17 days
Average wind speed is 7.8 mph
Humidity levels: 65%
UV Index: 4
Minimum : 7 deg C, maximum 20 deg. C.
Rain: 25 days
Average wind speed is 7.6 mph
Humidity levels: 74%
UV Index: 5
Minimum 7 deg C, maximum 20 deg C
Rains: 29 days
Average wind speed is 7.6 mph
Humidity levels: 72%
UV Index: 3
Minimum 2 deg C, maximum 19 deg C
Rains: 2 days, 3.11mm
Average wind speed is 7.6 mph
Humidity levels: 62%
UV Index: 4
Minimum 0 deg C, maximum 14 deg C
No rainfall
Average wind speed is 8.1 mph
Humidity levels: 27%
UV Index: 2
Minimum -2 deg C, maximum 10 deg C
No rains, no snowfall in general
Average wind speed is 9.2 mph
Humidity levels: 15%
UV Index: 2
Minimum -3 deg C, maximum 9 deg C.
No rains
Snow: 0.6 cm, average 1 day
Average wind speed is 9.4 mph
Humidity levels: 16%
UV Index: 2
Apart from these weather factors from which you can draw your conclusions about the best time to visit Badrinath, there are others such as visibility, which is highest in summer and winter seasons. While the months of April, May and June are the best in terms of temperature, some may find that the weather conditions prevailing during September and October suits their travel preference. Choose a month with least rainfall and with higher temperatures and you will be comfortable. Also keep in mind the UV factor, which, at these heights, can cause sunburn so wear goggles and cover your body fully when you undertake the pilgrimage to Badrinath. Be informed and go prepared and it is bound to be enjoyable.
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Badrinath Temple |
Temperature: Minimum -7 deg. C, maximum 4 deg. C.
Rainfall: 5 days, 11.39 mm
Snow: 7.3 cms, average 2 days
Wind: Average wind speed is 10.3 mph
Humidity levels: 31%
UV Index: 1
Minimum -6 deg. C, maximum 6 deg. C
Rainfall: 18.6mm
Snow: 9 cms, average 2 days
Average wind speed is 11.4 mph
Humidity levels: 38%
UV Index: 2
Minimum -3 deg. C, maximum 9 deg. C.
Rainfall: 20.22mm
Snow: 8.3 cms, average 5 days
Average wind speed is 8.9 mph
Humidity levels: 38%
UV Index: 3
Minimum 0 deg. C, maximum 14 deg. C.
Rainfall: 8.99mm
Snow: 0.4 cms, average 1 day
Average wind speed is 8.9 mph
Humidity levels: 32%
UV Index: 3
Minimum 3 deg. C, maximum 17 deg. C.
Rain: 24.12mm, 20 days
Average wind speed is 7.4 mph
Humidity levels: 42%
UV Index: 4
Minimum 4 deg. C, maximum 20 deg. C.
Rain: 39.09mm, 17 days
Average wind speed is 7.8 mph
Humidity levels: 65%
UV Index: 4
Minimum : 7 deg C, maximum 20 deg. C.
Rain: 25 days
Average wind speed is 7.6 mph
Humidity levels: 74%
UV Index: 5
Minimum 7 deg C, maximum 20 deg C
Rains: 29 days
Average wind speed is 7.6 mph
Humidity levels: 72%
UV Index: 3
Minimum 2 deg C, maximum 19 deg C
Rains: 2 days, 3.11mm
Average wind speed is 7.6 mph
Humidity levels: 62%
UV Index: 4
Minimum 0 deg C, maximum 14 deg C
No rainfall
Average wind speed is 8.1 mph
Humidity levels: 27%
UV Index: 2
Minimum -2 deg C, maximum 10 deg C
No rains, no snowfall in general
Average wind speed is 9.2 mph
Humidity levels: 15%
UV Index: 2
Minimum -3 deg C, maximum 9 deg C.
No rains
Snow: 0.6 cm, average 1 day
Average wind speed is 9.4 mph
Humidity levels: 16%
UV Index: 2
Apart from these weather factors from which you can draw your conclusions about the best time to visit Badrinath, there are others such as visibility, which is highest in summer and winter seasons. While the months of April, May and June are the best in terms of temperature, some may find that the weather conditions prevailing during September and October suits their travel preference. Choose a month with least rainfall and with higher temperatures and you will be comfortable. Also keep in mind the UV factor, which, at these heights, can cause sunburn so wear goggles and cover your body fully when you undertake the pilgrimage to Badrinath. Be informed and go prepared and it is bound to be enjoyable.
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